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Restoring Healthy Smiles

World-class oral surgeons offering transformative dental implants, tooth extractions, and comprehensive oral surgery. All in one location. Accepting new patients.
At CT Implant & Oral Surgery, we treat a variety of conditions that can negatively impact the health and appearance of your smile. Whether you are missing teeth, experiencing bone loss, dealing with a failing dental implant, or struggling with loose dentures, we have advanced solutions to help get your smile back to its full, vibrant self.

Conditions We Treat

Dr. Greenberg and Dr. Meriam have extensive experience treating a wide variety of conditions that can negatively impact the health and aesthetics of your smile. Our team utilizes advanced technology and procedures to correctly diagnose your specific condition and craft a tailored treatment plan to restore your oral health from the inside out. Whether you're struggling with loose teeth, gum disease, or simply cosmetic flaws, we provide individualized solutions designed to renew your natural smile. 
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Missing or Failing TeethBone LossFailing Dental ImplantsLoose DenturesImpacted Canines


Losing Your Smile? Get It Back, And Much More

If you’ve lost teeth, or are about to have some extracted, you’re facing many new limitations. There are many solutions to recover your smile, including dental bridges and dental implants, which offer the function and aesthetics of real teeth, jaw protection, and unequaled longevity. You may be surprised at how quickly you’re able to eat, speak, laugh, and smile again once your teeth are replaced by our team at CT Implant & Oral Surgery. 

Why Replace Damaged Or Missing Teeth?

If treatment like root canals, gum disease treatment, and restorative dentistry are ineffective, damaged, infected, and failing teeth, should be removed to protect your dental health and even systemic health. Unless they’re wisdom teeth or extra teeth that are causing overcrowding in your mouth, most teeth should be replaced after removal. Apart from the ways tooth loss can decrease your quality of life, it can also trigger a sort of “domino effect” in your health. Without natural tooth roots stimulating healthy bone growth, your bone will begin to deteriorate beneath the empty tooth socket. This will spread and can even lead to additional tooth loss in adjacent teeth. Replacing your tooth before extensive bone loss can occur will help prevent unnecessary additional harm as well as the need for bone grafting procedures. If your bone is stable enough or has received bone reconstructive treatment, you’ll have the option between dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants for your new, complete smile.

Remedies For Missing Teeth

Dental Bridges

For one missing tooth or a series of missing teeth, dental bridges are frequently the first solution many patients think of. Dental bridges are made of a series of crowns that span the gap left behind by tooth loss. Requiring one or more adjacent teeth as the foundation of the bridge, called the abutment teeth, this solution requires that we remove some of the enamel of this tooth, or teeth, when placing your dental bridge in Norwich & Branford, CT. Once placed, this solution is aesthetic and prevents adjacent teeth from shifting.

Dentures And Partials

Dentures are a time-tested, economical solution to tooth loss. They fit over your gums and stay in place either through suction or adhesive creams but can also be removed. You can have full or partial dentures; full dentures cover entire arches of teeth, essentially replacing all your teeth while partial dentures take the place of a few missing teeth in a row or throughout an arch.

Implant Supported Dentures

For additional stability, dentures can be anchored in your jawbone by dental implants. Implant supported dentures won’t slip out of place or irritate your gums and offer healthy bone stimulation. They also enable you to eat a greater variety of foods than standard dentures do.

Dentures And Partials

The best overall tooth replacement option available today is dental implants. They are the most natural-looking solution that can also last decades with proper care. Dental implants can replace one tooth, multiple teeth, or a full arch of teeth. Comprised partly of artificial tooth roots, they protect your jawbone from deterioration and thus your facial shape from changing. What’s more, they allow you to eat anything you want—hard foods, sticky foods, chewy foods, and whatever your favorites might be.

Bone Loss

Preserving Your Smile Starts With Your Bone

Your jawbone is literally the foundation of your smile. Your teeth are anchored in it and your gum tissue wrapped tightly around it as a protective layer. Your smile aesthetics and function depend heavily upon you having a strong, healthy jaw. So, what happens if you lose jawbone mass? You may have problems eating and speaking normally. Your face will take on a sunken, prematurely aged appearance. You may lose teeth. In fact, many patients who come to CT Implant & Oral Surgery with severe bone loss wish to receive dental implants but have been told they no longer qualify due to their bone loss. The good news is that there are multiple solutions for severe bone loss in Norwich & Branford, CT—a condition best treated by a specialist with extensive surgical training. Let’s take a look at why you lose bone and what you can do to regain it.

Severe Bone Loss Causes

Your tooth roots are firmly embedded in your jaws and help keep the bone healthy through the ongoing stimulation of chewing. Without those roots, the jaw loses its function and can begin to deteriorate in areas where teeth are no longer present. Tooth loss due to decay or oral trauma is a common reason for this. If you have dentures, while they give you back most of your dental function (your diet may be somewhat limited), they don’t replace the tooth roots you’ve lost. Dentures don’t provide protection for your jaws. Advanced gum disease, or periodontitis, is another common cause of bone loss, and occurs when the bacteria eat away at the jawbone underneath the gums.

Severe Bone Loss Solutions

Bone grafting treatments make jawbone loss reversible. With bone grafting we take bone material samples from you or from a donor source and place them in areas of recession. These materials eventually bond with the existing bone to reestablish strong, full bone volume. With ridge augmentation and ridge preservation we can use bone graft material to rebuild and reshape your jawbone, returning it to an earlier, healthier state. We can then help you regain your dental function and aesthetics with dental implants in Norwich & Branford, CT.

If your jawbone isn’t wide enough to support dental implants, ridge splitting, or dividing of the jawbone with surgical instruments, can be effective. After separating the jaw’s bony ridge, we can add bone graft material in the middle. Once this material fuses with the existing bone, you end up with a wider, deeper jaw ridge that can hold dental implants securely. Dental implants will not only protect your jawbone from future recession, they’ll vastly improve your confidence and your overall quality of life, enabling you to eat, speak, and smile comfortably again.

Failing Dental Implants

Have Failing Dental Implants?

If you’ve completed dental implant treatment and have swelling, pain, or infection around your implants, you need care and the expertise of a trained dental implant surgeon, like Dr. Greenberg or Dr. Meriam, to assess your situation and remove the implant, if necessary. While dental implants are considered the preferred option for replacing teeth today, you can still experience complications and even failing dental implants. An implant expert like our oral surgeons will also have the level of skill and necessary technology to replace your dental implant—and do it right.

A Solution For Failing Dental Implants

The most common solution for failing dental implants is a total replacement of the implant itself. We will determine this after an evaluation and x-rays. But in most cases where the implant(s) hasn’t responded to either nonsurgical or surgical intervention (peri-implantitis treatment and bone grafts), this is the best option for your health and function.

In general, there are two techniques for removing a failing dental implant from your bone. One is to cut a small portion of bone, sometimes with a piezo-electric device, around the implant edge so it can easily be removed. Another technique is to “reverse torque” the implant out of the bone. In all instances, our goal is to preserve as much of your natural bone as possible for more predictable and lasting implant success in the future.

Expert Care After Dental Implant Failure

A failed dental implant doesn’t disqualify you from being a candidate for one in the future. It simply means it’s critical that you receive treatment from a qualified clinician with the skill to do it correctly. Our oral surgeon is part of the only dental specialty to achieve the highest level of education and training in surgery, including dental implants. We also use state-of-the-art surgical technology and materials scientifically proven to withstand the forces of biting and chewing.

Our oral surgeon offers fully guided implant surgery to remove virtually all room for error, with exact and consistent results. Working closely with your restorative dentist, we can deliver a personalized treatment and a new smile that provides long-term function and aesthetics. You can have a smile that lasts—and it begins with the expertise of our surgical team in Norwich & Branford, CT!

Loose Denture

End Denture Pain And Embarrassment

Dentures have stood the test of time and are still in wide use for tooth replacement today. While they offer generally acceptable performance, they do have their downsides. If you’re already wearing dentures you may know these all too well. Dentures stay in place with suction or adhesive pastes. Through jawbone recession and wear they can come loose—often at the worst times. You may be eating or speaking with a friend and the dentures suddenly slip, embarrassing you. Their instability can also cause painful friction against your gums. If these concern you, our team at CT Implant & Oral Surgery encourages you to consider options that put an end to loose dentures in Norwich & Branford, CT.

Compare For Yourself

Traditional Dentures

Last 5+ years
May require adhesives
Allow bone recession
Limit food choices

Implant Supported Dentures

Removable or fixed
Last 10+ years
Secured by 2+ implants
Limit bone recession
Expand food choices

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Fixed for lasting support
Last decades to a lifetime
Secured by 4+ implants
Prevent bone recession
No dietary limitations

No-Slip Solutions

There are multiple paths to a secure smile in Norwich & Branford, CT, and they have one element in common: dental implants. Implant supported dentures combine some features of dentures and dental implants in a single dental appliance. With this solution you have dental implants inserted into your jaw and then a full-arch denture attached to it. The implants stop your denture from shifting during meals and other daily activities, enable you to eat a wider, more satisfying variety of foods, and prevent the bone loss that can happen with traditional dentures due to lack of a root structure.

The next option is full mouth or full arch dental implants. This solution is widely considered to be the best overall choice for tooth replacement today. Created to last many years, with regular maintenance may provide up to a lifetime of dependable function and lifelike beauty. Anchored firmly in your jaw, dental implants are strong enough to allow you to eat all your favorite foods with confidence—hard, chewy, and crunchy foods. Dental implants don’t develop decay or infection and their restorations won’t stain. They can truly change your life!

Impacted Canines

Impacted Canines Resolved With A Single Surgery

An impacted tooth essentially means that it is blocked, stuck, or unable to fully erupt and function properly. Third molars (wisdom teeth) most commonly fall victim to impaction, but the upper canine is the second most common tooth to become impacted. There are a number of ways this can be treated. Exposing impacted canine teeth is often a predictable, routine and very important way to retain these teeth and bring them into good functional and aesthetic positions.

What Are The Benefits?

By having your impacted canine exposed and then aligned, the tooth will be placed correctly in the gum and further damage will be prevented. Not only will your appearance be improved but you will be able to bite and chew without discomfort.

Who Should Consider Having This Treatment?

Any dental patient with a tooth that does not emerge through the gum may have an impacted tooth. This occurs most of the time with canine teeth. If this is the case, the impacted canine should be treated. Failure to do so may affect teeth nearby and cysts or infections may occur.

Branford Office:

500 East Main St., Suite 216
Branford, CT 06405
Phone: 203-208-2004

Norwich Office:

130 New London Turnpike
Norwich, CT 06360
Phone: 860-886-0651

Office Hours

Monday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
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